The Board is accountable to all shareholders. Each director represents all shareholders, and is expected to participate in the governance of the Bank both independently and objectively for the benefit of all shareholders and other key stakeholders.
The role of the Board is to oversee the Bank’s management, ensuring that management are continually striving for superior performance, taking into account risk.
The function of the Board is to:
- a) Review and discuss strategic alternatives proposed by Management, assess value creation potential and linkage to overall strategic direction, and approve major decisions with respect to KASIKORNBANK FINANCIAL CONGLOMERATE’s direction and policy, including sustainable development undertakings
- b) Review and approve Management’s initiated annual Business Plan, Capital Expenditure Budget and other performance goals
- c) Oversee and balance the emphasis given to short and long term objectives
- d) Find and appoint successor of the Chief Executive Officer and appraise the performance of the Chief Executive Officer as well as ensure that there is an effective process for evaluating the performance of senior executives
- e) Monitor the performance of the Bank, progress towards the achievement of the Bank’s objectives and compliance with policies and procedures, and with applicable laws and regulations
- f) Monitor the risk management framework including the effectiveness of internal controls
- g) Approve major corporate initiatives
- h) Ensure an appropriate system for effective communications with stakeholders and the public.
The directors shall have a range of skills and experience to bring independent judgement, effective leadership and considerable knowledge to the Board’s discussions. On appointment, each director shall receive information about the Bank and clarification of legal and regulatory constraints and other obligations of a director of a listed company of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Directors may take independent professional advice at the Bank’s expense, in appropriate circumstances.
All of the directors shall have access to the advice and services of the Corporate Secretary, who is responsible for ensuring that Board procedures are followed and that applicable rules and regulations are complied with.
The Board of Directors shall appoint the Corporate Secretary who can be an outside person.
All of the directors shall have access to the advice and services of the Corporate Secretary, who is responsible for ensuring that the Board procedures are followed and that applicable rules and regulations are complied with.
The Chairman of the Board shall be an Independent or a Non-Executive Director; and the Chief Executive Officer represents the Management in the Board.
The duties of the Chairman of the Board:
- Provide leadership to the Board of Directors;
- Summon and facilitate the meetings of the Board of Directors and supervise the delivery of meeting notices and related documents so as to ensure that the Board of Directors acquire adequate and timely information;
- Set the agenda, in cooperation with the Chief Executive Officer, for the Board of Directors meeting, ensuring that appropriate time and attention is devoted to the matters within the responsibilities of the Board;
- Preside over the Board of Directors meeting;
- Promote CG standards of the Board of Directors;
- Preside over the Shareholders meeting and conduct the meeting in compliance with the Bank Articles of Association and follow the sequence of the agenda;
- Encourage open and constructive dialogues with all individual directors and promote good relationships between the directors, and between the directors, Chief Executive Officer and Management;
- Provide advice and guidance, as well as monitoring the performance of the Chief Executive Officer;
- Supervise efficient communications between the directors and shareholders;
- Perform the duty specified by law as the duty to be performed by the Chairman.
The duties of the Chief Executive Officer:
- Bear primary responsibility over day-to-day management and functioning of the Bank and oversee operations of companies within KASIKORNBANK FINANCIAL CONGLOMERATE;
- Formulate strategies and evaluate strategic alternatives with the Board;
- Execute strategy, business, and financial objectives approved by the Board alongside the Management;
- Set standards and guidelines for purpose, corporate culture, ethics and core values;
- Promote accountability and transparency with implementation of policies, as approved by the Board to effectively manage operations and risks, and monitor the implementation;
- Maintain ongoing dialogues with the directors and Chairman of the Board;
- Ensure the Board is provided with necessary information in a timely manner to enable efficient discharge of responsibilities of the Board;
- Establish the development plan for key senior management consistent with the succession plan;
- Conduct performance review of senior management and critical talents.
There is to be a clear division between the responsibilities of management and of the Board. The Board shall not ordinarily become involved in management issues or in managing the implementation of Board policy. The Board’s role includes the task of monitoring management in such a manner as to ensure that appropriate policies and processes are in place, that they are operating effectively and that the Bank is meeting its responsibilities to all stakeholders.
The relationship between the Board and Management is one of a value creating partnership. Whereas the Chief Executive Officer is responsible to the Board for the day-to-day management of the Bank in relation to operational planning, decision making and implementation, the Board provides strategic direction and governance, as well as tactical recommendations and monitors implementation and results.
Management is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Bank. The role of the Board is to ensure that management is working in the best interests of the Bank and its stakeholders by working to enhance corporate economic value.
The duties of the full Board include:
- a) meetings of the Board shall be held every month except under unavoidable circumstances but with the minimum frequency of once per three months. There may be extra meetings as deemed appropriate to discharge their responsibilities. All directors are expected to attend every meeting, or no less than 75 percent of the Board of Directors meetings arranged each year, except under avoidable circumstances. A program of meetings shall be prepared and agreed each year, which ensures that each of the significant responsibilities of the Board is addressed
- b) regularly reviewing the corporate strategy of the Bank
- c) receiving a detailed assessment of the Bank’s performance, the significant issues confronting each business unit within the Bank, and such other information that enables them to discharge their responsibilities.
he directors will be provided with appropriate and timely information in advance of each Board meeting so that they can maintain full and effective control over strategic, financial, operational, compliance and governance issues. Any additional information requested by directors will be provided.
The Board’s performance shall be assessed by the Board as a whole. and each Individual Directors.
Term of Bank directorship, one-third of all directors shall vacate office at each of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Directors holding the longest terms shall vacate office first. If an agreement for vacating office cannot be reached among directors, a lot drawing shall be adopted. Any director vacating office on due term can be re-elected by shareholders meeting.
The directors shall not exceed the age limit of 72 years old and Independent Directors shall hold their positions for no more than 9 consecutive years.