KBank Financial Inclusion Commitment

KASIKORNBANK believes that financial inclusion is essential to building a sustainable and inclusive economy. We are committed to providing access to useful and affordable financial products and services to underserved groups, including micro businesses, low-income individuals, those in rural or hard-to-reach areas and other underserved populations.

The Bank’s Management Committee is committed to ensuring the financial well-being of our customers and will enforce fair and respectful treatment of customers with the following concepts:

  • Develop and offer financial inclusion products, such as business loans for self-employed customers and savings accounts with no minimum deposit required at opening, that are tailored to the specific needs of underserved populations.
  • Engage customers to understand the unique needs and preferences of our underserved customers through market research and develop delivery methods to the targeted group's needs and preferences.
  • Communicate with customers to provide clear and timely information that supports their decision-making, while also offering non-financial support to promote their overall well-being.
  • Enhance our employee understanding of financial inclusion to prevent aggressive sales techniques and unrespectful treatment of targeted groups.
  • Establish procedures to ensure that loans are offered based on customers’ repayment capacity, and that fair prices and reasonable fees are charged, in order to prevent over-indebtedness among targeted groups.
  • Promote financial literacy among underserved customers by providing educational resources, such as workshops and online tools, to help them improve their financial management skills and make informed decisions about their finances.
  • Provide complaint mechanisms for underserved clients and resolve complaints promptly.

We recognize that financial inclusion is a collaborative effort and will engage external parties to advocate for the development of the financial inclusion market. We have leveraged service innovations and business partnerships, enhanced convenience and promoted financial inclusion among the general public. This allows us to achieve growth, while being a responsible corporate citizen to create a sustainable society, in line with the principles of a Bank of Sustainability.
