NotiPass_80%K-Trade Connect will be closed on December 11, 2019 at 10:00 p.m. and resuming services on December 12, 2019 at 02:00 a.m. $More Details.%/en/announcement/Pages/SystemMaintenanceK-Trade-Connect.aspx
Savings Account
Deposit - withdrawal - money transfer - payment
Simplifies your banking transactions
Deposit, withdrawal, money transfer
Withdrawal at any branch
Maximum of 2,000,000 Baht with passbook and national ID card
Earn interest every day!
Interest credited to your account every June and December.
Bill payments with your savings account.
Apply for Direct Debit. No late payment.
Account Details
- Interest is calculated daily and credited to the account every June and December.
- Deposit, withdrawal, money transfer and bill payment can be made at
K-Cyber, K-ATM and
any KBank branches.
- The account can be used as collateral for loan application.

Additional Services
Convenient. Safe. Worryfree.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is interest earned on a savings account subject to taxes ?
Annual earned interest on savings accounts up to 20,000 Baht is tax-exempt. If annual earned interest exceeds 20,000 Baht, total earned interest is subject to 15% withholding tax.
เอกสาร |
บุคคลธรรมดา- บัตรประจำตัวประชาชน หรือบัตรประจำตัวอื่น ๆ ที่มีรูปถ่าย และออกโดยหน่วยงานราชการ
- สำเนาทะเบียนบ้าน (กรณีที่ไม่ได้ใช้บัตรประจำตัวประชาชน)
| บริษัทจำกัด / บริษัท (มหาชน) จำกัด- บัตรประชาชน / หนังสือเดินทาง (กรณีต่างชาติ) ของผู้มีความสัมพันธ์กับนิติบุคคล(แนบสำเนาทะเบียนบ้าน กรณีบัตรไม่แสดงที่อยู่)
- รายงานการประชุมที่มีมติให้มีการเปิดบัญชีเงินฝากกับธนาคารที่ลงนามรับรองโดยผู้ที่มีอำนาจกระทำการแทน พร้อมกำหนด ผู้มีอำนาจลงนามสั่งจ่ายและเงื่อนไขในการสั่งจ่าย
- หนังสือรับรอง/หนังสือจดทะเบียนนิติบุคคล (ออกให้ไม่เกิน 3 เดือน)
- บอจ.5 บัญชีรายชื่อผู้ถือหุ้น
- บอจ.3 รายการจดทะเบียนจัดตั้ง (แสดงตรายาง) (ถ้ามี) หรือ บอจ.4 รายการจดทะเบียนแก้ไข(หากเปลี่ยนแปลงตรายาง)(ถ้ามี)
- หนังสือบริคณห์สนธิ และข้อบังคับบริษัท (แบบบอจ. 2)
- เลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษีอากร
- หนังสือมอบอำนาจ (ถ้ามี)
- ใบสำคัญแสดงการจดทะเบียนภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม
ห้างหุ้นส่วนจำกัด, ห้างหุ้นส่วนสามัญนิติบุคคล- บัตรประชาชน / หนังสือเดินทาง (กรณีต่างชาติ) ของผู้มีความสัมพันธ์กับนิติบุคคล(แนบสำเนาทะเบียนบ้าน กรณีบัตรไม่แสดงที่อยู่)
- รายงานการประชุมที่มีมติให้มีการเปิดบัญชีเงินฝากกับธนาคารที่ลงนามรับรองโดยผู้ที่มีอำนาจกระทำการแทน พร้อมกำหนด ผู้มีอำนาจลงนามสั่งจ่ายและเงื่อนไขในการสั่งจ่าย
- หนังสือรับรอง/หนังสือจดทะเบียนนิติบุคคล (ออกให้ไม่เกิน 3 เดือน)
- หนังสือจัดตั้งห้าง / หนังสือข้อตกลงของผู้เป็นหุ้นส่วน / ข้อบังคับ (ถ้ามี)
- เลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษีอากร
- หนังสือมอบอำนาจ (ถ้ามี)
| ร้านค้าจดทะเบียน- เอกสารแสดงตนของเจ้าของร้านค้า
- ใบสำคัญแสดงการจดทะเบียนพาณิชย์ ที่ระบุชื่อผู้ขอจดทะเบียน
- เลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษีอากร
- ใบสำคัญแสดงการจดทะเบียนภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม (ถ้ามี)
Open an Account
Details |
- No minimum deposit required for account opening
Required Document for Opening Bank Account |
Company Limited/Public Company LimitedCompany’s documents - Certificate of Registration issued by Partnerships and Companies Registration Office with an annex detailing the purpose thereof, issued not more than three months prior to submission
- In case of signing with the company seal affixed
- Establishment Registration (BorOrJor.3) or Amended Registration (BorOrJor.4) in case of amendment made to the registered company seal; or the Articles of Association for Public Company Limited; no requirement regarding the age of the document
- The original company seal must be presented.
- Shareholders’ List (BorOrJor.5 for Company Limited; or BorOrJor.6 for Public Company Limited); no requirement regarding the age of the document
- Power of Attorney affixed with a 30-Baht stamp duty (if the person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal is not the person with authority to sign to bind the juristic person)
Documents of persons related to the company Copy of national ID card or passport (for foreigner) of the following persons: - Directors authorized to sign to bind the company per item 3 of the Certificate
- The person requesting an account opening is required to contact a KBank branch for identify verification. They must present their valid national ID card or their passport with remaining validity of not less than 30 days (for foreigners).
- The person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal
- The person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal is required to contact a KBank branch for identity verification. They must present their valid national ID card or their passport with remaining validity of not less than 30 days (for foreigners).
- Partners holding shares of not less than 25 percent per the Shareholders’ list
- Managing Director or top management
Note: - KBank will not request a copy of the national ID card of the persons related to the Thai juristic person if they can provide the following information on the day of deposit account opening at a KBank branch: 1) Name in Thai; 2) Name in English; 3) Date of birth; 4) National ID card number.
- KBank may request that customers contact the Department of Business Development to update documents or request additional supporting documents of the persons related to the juristic person, if their identification documents do not match the juristic person's documents.
| Limited Partnership/Registered Ordinary PartnershipCompany’s documents - Certificate of Registration issued by Partnerships and Companies Registration Office with an annex detailing the purpose thereof, issued not more than three months prior to submission
- In case of signing with the company seal affixed
- Partnership Registration (HorSor.2); no requirement regarding the age of the document
- The original company seal must be presented.
- Power of Attorney affixed with a 30-Baht stamp duty (if the person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal is not the person with authority to sign to bind the juristic person)
Documents of persons related to the company Copy of national ID card or passport (for foreigner) of the following persons: - Managing partners authorized to sign to bind the partnership per Certificate Item 4 or 7 (if any)
- The person requesting an account opening is required to contact a KBank branch for identify verification. They must present their valid national ID card or their passport with remaining validity of not less than 30 days (for foreigners).
- The person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal
- The person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal is required to contact a KBank branch for identity verification. They must present their valid national ID card or their passport with remaining validity of not less than 30 days (for foreigners).
- Partners holding shares of not less than 25 percent per Item 2 of the Certificate
- Managing Director or top management
Note: - KBank will not request a copy of the national ID card of the persons related to the Thai juristic person if they can provide the following information on the day of deposit account opening at a KBank branch: 1) Name in Thai; 2) Name in English; 3) Date of birth; 4) National ID card number.
- KBank may request that customers contact the Department of Business Development to update documents or request additional supporting documents of the persons related to the juristic person, if their identification documents do not match the juristic person's documents.
Housing Estate/Condominium Juristic Person, Labor Union, Social Enterprise, Foundations, Associations, & Cooperatives Company’s documents - Documents showing the establishment/registration or juristic person certificate from a respective unit
- Documents appointing the person with authority to sign to bind the juristic person, such as chairman, the board of directors, and director
- Articles of Association
- Tax ID card of the juristic person (Tax-exempt juristic person is required to provide tax-exempt documents)
- Power of attorney affixed with a 30-Baht stamp duty (if the person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal is not the person with authority to sign to bind the juristic person
Documents of persons related to the company Copy of national ID card or passport (for foreigner) of the following persons: - The person with authority to sign to bind the juristic person
- The person requesting an account opening is required to contact a KBank branch for identify verification. They must present their valid national ID card or their passport with remaining validity of not less than 30 days (for foreigners).
- The person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal
- The person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal is required to contact a KBank branch for identity verification. They must present their valid national ID card or their passport with remaining validity of not less than 30 days (for foreigners).
- Managing Director or top management
Note: - KBank will not request a copy of the national ID card of persons related to the Thai juristic person if they can provide the following information on the day of deposit account opening at a KBank branch: 1) Name in Thai; 2) Name in English; 3) Date of birth; 4) National ID card number
- KBank may request that customers contact the bank to update the Certificate/documents showing the list of authorized persons, or request additional supporting documents of the persons related to the juristic person, if their identification documents do not match the juristic person's documents.
| Juristic Person in Other Forms (School, University, Temple, Mosque and Government Agency, etc.) Company’s documents - Documents showing the establishment/registration or juristic person certificate from a respective unit
- Documents appointing the person with authority to sign to bind the juristic person, such as director, the board of directors, and school director and abbot
- Power of attorney affixed with a 30-Baht stamp duty (if the person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal is not the person with authority to sign to bind the juristic person)
Documents of persons related to the company Copy of national ID card or passport (for foreigner) of the following persons: - The person with authority to sign to bind the juristic person
- The person requesting an account opening is required to contact a KBank branch for identify verification. They must present their valid national ID card or their passport with remaining validity of not less than 30 days (for foreigners).
- The person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal
- The person with authority to sign for payment/withdrawal is required to contact a KBank branch for identity verification. They must present their valid national ID card or their passport with remaining validity of not less than 30 days (for foreigners).
- Managing Director or top management
Note: - KBank will not request a copy of the national ID card of the persons related to Thai juristic person if they can provide the following information on the day of deposit account opening at a KBank branch: 1) Name in Thai; 2) Name in English; 3) Date of birth; 4) National ID card number
- KBank may request that customers contact the bank to update the Certificate/documents showing the list of authorized persons, or request additional supporting documents of the persons related to the juristic person, if their identification documents do not match the juristic person's documents.