Director Nomination Policy
KBank places importance on the transparent process and criteria for director nomination
in accordance with the Statement of Corporate Governance Principles. This is to ensure that the Board of Directors
comprises persons of wide range of knowledge, competence, skills and experience that commensurate with KBank’s
nature of business and risk exposures, beneficial to our long-term business, and in alignment with our directions
and strategies, as well as sustainable development.
Members of the Board of Directors must consist of, at least, one director who has
knowledge or experience in information technology, one director has adequate knowledge and experience to review the
reliability of financial statements, one director has knowledge, competence and understanding of risks related to
the financial institution business, one director has experience in financial institution business, and female should
constitute at least 30 percent of all Board members.
The Human Resources and Remuneration Committee is responsible for selecting and
nominating qualified candidates as specified by KBank, including accepting proposition of qualified candidates by
shareholders, or selecting candidates from the director pool database or the database of directors and executives of
securities issuing companies (Whitelist) to be nominated to the position of director, as assigned by the Board of
Directors. Nomination guidelines include:
- Considering persons having “fit and proper” qualifications and capacity, without any characteristics prohibiting
them from holding a directorship in a financial institution as specified in the relevant regulatory agencies and
the Bank’s Articles of Association, and other necessary qualifications that are in line with KBank’s business
strategies and sustainable development.
- Considering an appropriate composition in wide range of disciplines, taking into consideration, size and
diversity of the Board, i.e. skills, knowledge, competency, experience, and independence, without any
discrimination against gender, age, race, and ethnicity, based on the board skill matrix.
Required knowledge and expertise of the Board of Directors include banking and financial
services, strategic acumen, accounting, marketing and branding, sustainability development, risk management, human
resources, law, international business, as well as information and digital technology.